I have a very soft spot for stories about WW II. I just find it so fascinating. I love learning about different perspectives and experiences. Besides that, I really like war movies. Let me break down the good and the bad of what I’ve found on Netflix about fighting those Nazis.
Defiance is about 3 brothers that flea into the thick forests of Eastern Europe to survive the Nazi invasion. Daniel Craig plays Tuvia who becomes the reluctant leader of this group of Jews and Liev Schreiber plays his brother Zuv who joins the Russian resistance. I thought it was so interesting how things evolved and what they had to set up to make this group survive. I was also shocked at how this wasn’t just a few months of wilderness living, it was years! On top of that their group just kept growing as people became desperate to survive and more and more Jews fled into the forest, some coming because of the reputation their resistance had developed. They eventually ended up being a community of thousands all camping out. They started schools, divided responsibilities, and gave everything they had to the group. The story is amazing! The movie is, well, good. I mean they did the story and the people justice. The director Edward Zwick made it feel epic while trying to maintain the suspense of the danger they were all living in. Let’s just say it was WAY better than Legends of the Fall (which isn’t really hard because I basically hated that movie) but just as long! Overall, worth watching.

Finally, if you want some real footage of Auschwitz this BBC documentary is a 4 part series of how the largest concentration camp became what it was and the process of it’s growth. With personal interviews telling first hand stories this documentary is just what you think it is and so much more at the same time. Sometimes the real thing is better than any recreation.
In the Showdown it is neck and neck but I think Defiance just beats out The Way Back.