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Netflix, why do you hate us?

Netflix, why do you hate us?

Kent September 2, 2011 0

Seriously Netflix, what’s the deal? It was just announced that Starz and Netflix will no be continuing their deal for renewal this year. I understand that corporations such as these need to negotiate and

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As Seen on Netflix Maren Reviews: Brothers, and 21 Grams

As Seen on Netflix Maren Reviews: Brothers, and 21 Grams

maren August 30, 2011 0

  Why is it that instead of appreciating a foreign movie for what it is and the story is has to tell, we have to remake it for American audiences? That is exactly what

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As Seen On Netflix Maren Reviews: Kurt and Courtney, Dear Zachary, Nice Guy Johnny, and Muriel’s Wedding

As Seen On Netflix Maren Reviews: Kurt and Courtney, Dear Zachary, Nice Guy Johnny, and Muriel’s Wedding

maren August 23, 2011 0

With the recent news about the death of Amy Winehouse it got me really thinking about another high profile musician’s suicide. It is actually really shocking and sad to find out how many things

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As Seen on Netflix Maren Reviews: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Series

As Seen on Netflix Maren Reviews: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Series

maren August 16, 2011 0

I have been hearing so much about this series whether it is about the books or about the upcoming movie release. Those Swedes have already made their movie versions of this beloved series and

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The Help Vs. 30 Minutes or Less

The Help Vs. 30 Minutes or Less

Kent August 12, 2011 1

Here is a really quick look on what we thought about this weeks movies.  Longer Reviews are on their way, but sometimes good things take time…. so get off our back already, geez. The

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As Seen On Netflix Maren Reviews: Jane Erye

As Seen On Netflix Maren Reviews: Jane Erye

maren August 9, 2011 0

I was so excited when I saw that they were remaking Jane Eyre (yet again). After I read this book I was anxious to see the movie version of it but there was only

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Rise of the Planet of the Apes review

Rise of the Planet of the Apes review

Kent August 5, 2011 0

Who out there asked for another Planet of the Apes movie? I sure didn’t. I think an updated Apes movie was a great idea but then we got the awful 2001 Tim Burton version

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As Seen On Netflix Maren Reviews: Sin Nombre, Which Way Home, and Entre Nos

As Seen On Netflix Maren Reviews: Sin Nombre, Which Way Home, and Entre Nos

maren August 2, 2011 0

 I have to say, the tone of the movies I watched this week was rather heavy and at times dark. I started with Sin Nombre. This Spanish language movie is about the South American

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Cowboys and Aliens review

Cowboys and Aliens review

Kent July 29, 2011 0

I don’t understand how Cowboys & Aliens is getting such low reviews on rotten tomatoes. Maybe if it was a tie-in to the Avengers the critics would be falling all over themselves in praise

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As seen on Netlix Maren Reviews: Forgiving Dr Mengele, An Affair to Remember, and Bunny and the Bull

As seen on Netlix Maren Reviews: Forgiving Dr Mengele, An Affair to Remember, and Bunny and the Bull

maren July 27, 2011 0

This week I watched some really good movies off of Netflix Streaming. To start I watched the documentary called Forgiving Dr Mengele.  This movie follows Eva Mozes Kor, a Holocaust survivor who was one

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