Here we go again indeed.
It’s been 10 years since Mamma Mia first hit the big screen. Fun fact: It was actually released the same weekend as The Dark Knight. Mamma Mia managed to so surprisingly successful that it even beat the box office numbers for Iron Man that Summer. Apparently Meryl Streep in overalls is a big draw.
Don’t get mad. I know it’s all because of ABBA…
Now, in Here We Go Again, it’s been five years since the events of the first movie. Much has changed and most of our original cast are off the Greek island, living their own lives. Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) is just about to launch a brand new hotel on the island and hopes for a big grand opening.
Not only is this a sequel, but it’s largely a prequel as we (finally?) get to see the story of how Meryl Streep’s character came to the island and “fell in love” with three men. Streep’s character of Donna is played by Lily James (Cinderella, Baby Driver).

That’s supposed to be young Pierce Brosnan
You know how bands get lazy and stop writing music? They release a greatest hits album or two, but then they run out of great tracks. So, they release a B-sides album hoping to stay relevant. There are good songs in the album, but the effort just comes off as stale? That’s the feeling you’ll get with Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again.
Kudos to the filmmakers for taking a chance on the lesser-known ABBA songs, but it’s far less enjoyable. Also, the plot elements of the movie have been seemingly built around these songs and their lyrics. Many of the musical numbers (like the graduation scene) are really quite cringe-worthy.
To make another comparison – this is the Arrested Development season 4 of this franchise. The cast is rarely together and at many times, they literally phone it in. There’s not much magic or enjoyment found until the big predictable finale.
In fact, for being a movie meant to instill the fun of ABBA, this flick is really dour. Few of the characters are actually ever happy or whimsical. A big reason to watch the first movie is to see hear the music against the beauty of Greece. There are some cool-looking shots here, but it seems the budget called for green screen landscapes for a big part of the movie.
Cher makes a grand cameo, which honestly erased half of my testosterone immediately. She plays the grandmother of Sophie and the mother to Donna, which is hilarious because she is only three years Streep’s senior.
I could rant about this silly movie, and believe me, it’s silly. However, it’s a reunion movie made for the fans of the first movie. Anyone who got a kick out of Mamma Mia should be happy they get a follow-up, even if it took 10 years to get it. It’s not a good movie by any means, but it knows who it is meant for. D+
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